Candidate for the position of Welfare Full Time Executive

Image for Benjamin Smith

Benjamin Smith

I’m Benjamin Smith, your current Welfare Executive at DSU and I'm running for re-election.

As your Welfare Executive, I have been:

  • Representing you: making students the focus of all developments, ensuring your voice is heard.
  • Listening to your worries and concerns and helping you resolve them, helping ensure that you aren’t disadvantaged.
  • Continuing to support you throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: stating your issues, needs and ensuring that the University acts for who matters - YOU.
  • Addressing mental health: supporting your mental wellbeing and working to improve the services available.
  • Promoting the Mandala Project to help eliminate sexual violence: enabling and empowering victims to access the support available to them.
  • Launching my ‘survival skills’ campaign: helping students develop life skills, even more vital during this challenging time.
  • Holding social and well-being events helping you maintain social contact during this difficult time.


 If you re-elect me, I will:

  1. Reinforce student housing rights: fighting and raising awareness for your rights as a tenant throughout the entire housing process. I’ll have a platform to rate accommodation and providers, holding them to account, ensuring they do listen and support the people who matter - YOU!
  2. Continue vital Mental Health support: I’ll continue to work to help improve the support available, especially for vulnerable males and the BAME community, working with well-being partners across Leicester and the UK to help raise awareness of mental health and promote good mental wellbeing.
  3. Develop DSU Welfare Champions: a student group to guarantee welfare issues are heard and acted upon, whether you are on campus or studying at home.
  4. Keep you fully informed:  Continuing to ensure you can access all the support available to you while you study.


 I will continue to dedicate myself to supporting YOU, your welfare and student experience, as #ItIsYouWhoMatters