Leicestershire UNItes

Tuesday 30 January 2018 / 9am - 5pm

Campus Centre Atrium

Students are being urged to help save a life and sign up to the national stem cell register.

De Montfort University (DMU) is joining forces with the University of Leicester (UoL) and Loughborough University for a new campaign called Leicestershire UNItes.

We are working with the Rik Basra Leukaemia Campaign to set a new record for the number of people on the register which gives patients with blood cancer the chance to beat the disease.

By joining the register, you could be a potential match for someone with blood cancer.

The Leicestershire UNItes campaign kicks off on Tuesday 30 January at De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU).

Students, staff and members of the local community aged between 16 and 30 are being urged to come to the Campus Centre at DMU between 9am and 5pm to join up.

Joining the register could not be easier – all it takes is a simple cheek swab and a few details. Specially-trained volunteers will be on hand to guide people through the process which takes less than ten minutes.

Read more here.