DSU joined forces with DMU on Wednesday to train the latest generation of School Rep Coordinators.
De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU) joined forces with De Montfort University (DMU) on Wednesday to train the latest generation of School Rep Coordinators (SRCs).
The system, which is a joint partnership between DMU and DSU, sees student leaders from across all four faculties represent their fellow students up to the highest levels of the university.
SRCs were treated to motivational sessions from external speakers plus DSU’s Student Voice Manager Elgan Hughes and DMU’s Quality Officer (Student Voice) Stephen Sharkey on how to best support the students they represent.
Laura Toher-Hindle, SRC for the Leicester De Montfort Law School, said: “The day was really good and really insightful.
“It has been a real experience in the sense that it has provided us with all the necessary skills we will need – I was a course rep last year and just thought that this was a natural progression.
“I’ve always been involved in student voice, and being a course rep got my foot in the door, but this really allows me to take action.”
Freddy Jilson, SRC for the School of Computer Science and Informatics, said: “[This training] is a really useful experience and is really detailed about what an SRC does.
“I thought I should be more involved [in representing fellow students] as it is my final year and this is a great way to communicate with university staff as well as other students.”
SRCs are paid £600 per year for the hard work they put into the role, which involves sitting on education committees and meetings with fellow students as well as academic staff to ensure the learning experience at DMU is the best it can be.
Baguiasri Mandane, SRC for the Leicester School of Pharmacy, said: “It was an insightful day and it better prepared all of us for the upcoming role and how we can make a difference.
“I think it is being able to make a difference and try and be able to improve things for other people. There are lots of changes we can make.”
To find out more about how Voice at DSU help you get the most out of your time at DMU, click here.

The SRCs were also joined by Dr Abigail Moriarty (left), Director of Teaching and Learning at DMU.