One of the things De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU)’s Officer Team are asked about the most is what can be done about the amount and cost of printing that’s needed at university.
It’s another example of the extra hidden course costs that you might not have accounted for and can soon mount up.
Based on what you told us, DSU President Dan Winney looked into what could be done to help and we’re pleased to announce a new solution – free printing from your SU!
A new AIWIP (All I Want Is Print) printer has been installed into The Hub, upstairs in The Art Factory. AIWIP offers FREE black and white printing for all students at De Montfort University (DMU).
There’s a small advert across the bottom of each free print (you can pay to have these removed if you need to), but it’s ideal for lecture slides and revision notes.
If you would like to print ad-free, you can! The cost is just 5p per black and white page or 20p per full colour.
All you need to do to get printing is download the AIWIP app on the App Store or Google Play (or wherever you get your apps), register an account and then upload the documents from your phone. You can then pop into the SU and print away!
Dan Winney, President of DSU, said: “This is excellent because it will save students money and that is something that we are prioritising this year.
“It’s very simple to use and we hope students will make the most of this fantastic new initiative.”
The news comes hot on the heels of the university's announcement that the Kimberlin Library will be open 24/7, 365 days a year, after years of DSU lobbying. Read more here.

The printer, in The Hub of The Art Factory, attaches a small advert to printouts and is perfect for lecture slides and revision notes.