We are giving YOU the opportunity to get your favourite pictures on the screen at your graduation!
*UPDATE: The deadline to get your photos in has been extended to Friday 16 June! Get those pictures in, and you could see them on the big screen!*
We are giving YOU the opportunity to get your favourite pictures on the screen at your De Montfort University (DMU) graduation!
One of the key parts of this summer’s graduation ceremony is a presentation of images called My DMU Memories, where the university is inviting all students who graduate in July to take part by sending in favourite photos from their time in Leicester.

Earlier this year, the university launched a Graduate Support Fund after DSU lobbying. Read more here.
Mike Mayes, VP Media and Communications at De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU), said: “I think it’s great that DMU have given students this amazing opportunity to get personally and directly involved with their graduation ceremony.
“It’s a brilliant way to reflect on all of the amazing memories, lifelong friends and incredible experiences generated throughout your time at university.”
The segment will show a selection of images taken by students from each faculty to make the experience personal, spectacular and memorable.
Photos can be of anything during your time at DMU; from your favourite sports club or society event; to volunteering; and even course hand-ins and presentations and #DMUglobal trips!
To get your best photos on the screen, email them to dmugraduations@hollandalexander.com, with ‘Graduation Ceremony Images’ in the subject line, along with the details explained here. The closing date for submissions is Friday 16 June 2017.
You’ll need to make sure your images are;
- in landscape format;
- in colour;
- in the highest resolution possible;
- and appropriate for a family audience.
You’ll also need to supply the names and courses of everyone in the photo (with their permission) using the details explained here.
We can’t wait to celebrate your big day with you!

You might have a picture in front of the famous DMU sign like Greg James that you want to use (find out why he was on campus here).