DSU’s student groups netted thousands of pounds for charity at the latest edition of Netfest last weekend.
De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU)’s student groups netted thousands of pounds for charity at the latest edition of Netfest last weekend.
The event, organised by De Montfort University (DMU)’s netball club, raised almost £1,500 for the university’s Square Mile India project through a 27-team tournament, charity raffle and a game of ‘Killer’ – or last player standing.
Sadie Burch, Chair of DMU Netball, explained how organising the event was a completely different experience. “It is very different from playing,” she said. “But everyone turns up in fancy dress and it is a really fun day.
“I spent most of the day organising umpires, helping bib up the teams, doing the timings and collecting the scores – but it is a really great way to raise money and help people learn a bit more about the sport.”
The winning team – ahem, ‘Cunning Stunts’ – were made up of members from the netball club and DMU Korfball. Meanwhile, third-year Policing Studies student Ruth Harris was crowned champion of Killer.

Women's football member Ruth Harris lifted the prestigious 'Killer' trophy.
But the day wasn’t just about fun – or even fundraising – as Sadie explained.
“It is a really fun day to get people involved,” she said. “But with our university netball officer, who does a lot of work with the governing body, and by people actually participating it just shows England Netball more people are getting involved in the sport and it also helps towards showing netball [should be an] Olympic sport.”
So, where will the money raised go?
Sadie added: “The Square Mile India team reached out to us. They said they knew we did charity work like Netfest, and asked if we wanted to contribute.
“We’re thinking of organising a trip out there to see what our money has done. I know it is not close to home in terms of where it is, but we thought it was important to help them out as they’re a cause close to us.
“I just want to thank all of the volunteers who helped on the day plus everyone who was involved, and all the local business who donated for the raffle.”
Keira Rounsley, VP Welfare and Community at DSU, was part of the ‘She Doesn’t Even Go Here’ team. She said: “It is great to see Netfest get bigger and better every year and see all the sports clubs and societies come together to raise money for charity – and have a great time while they’re doing it.
“Loads of previous netballers come back for Netfest, so we see the old girls reunite and step back onto the court in the name of charity.
“My team got through to the quarter-finals and we even had to do a few penalty shootouts.
“I was very impressed with men’s football in particular and some of the feedback we got was that netball is ‘not as easy as it looks’…”
The current Netfest total stands at just under £1,500 – but the club are aiming for £2,000 by the end of February. You can donate on their Just Giving page here.

The winning team – ‘Cunning Stunts’ – were made up of members from DSU's netball and korfball clubs.