DSU’s Islamic Society have raised a massive total for orphans across the globe and more than doubled the figure set in 2015.
De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU)’s Islamic Society (ISOC) have raised a massive total for orphans across the globe and more than doubled the figure set in 2015.
ISOC raised an incredible £16,573.12 for Charity Week between Saturday 22 and Sunday 30 October through cake sales, stalls, donations; and even zorb football.
Mohamed Izagaren, Chair of ISOC, said: “Every year, we take part in Charity Week, and this year is no different.
“In the Midlands we may have come second just behind University of Nottingham, but this is the highest amount that we have raised in six or seven years.
“This year we raised more online than we did overall last year.” The society’s total for 2015 was £7,212.62.
Charity Week is a non-profit organisation that works in association with Islamic Relief and volunteers across the country to raise money for orphans and needy children around the world by acting according to Islamic principles.
Projects in Syria, Gaza, Bangladesh and to help child refugees across Europe are among those supported by the organisation.
Mohamed continued: “This year [Charity Week] raised more than £1million in total nationally, which means they can fund all four projects.
“The whole idea is that with Charity Week you have events across the UK and you have all these universities in a race to the top.”
With a friendly rivalry against the University of Leicester’s Islamic Society, Mohamed was keen to point out that DMU’s ISOC had raised the most in the city…
“The majority we raised was from cake sales and stalls, plus a paint throwing event,” he continued. “We also had henna stalls and we liaised with four different mosques across Leicester to go along and receive donations.
“Charity Week is great. The fact that you compete to do good deeds and in getting people to donate as much as you can is great.
“I’d like to say thank you to the Islamic Society in general – there was a lot going on and it was hectic at times, but everyone helped out.”
Ahtesham Mahmood, VP Student Activities at DSU, said: “I am hugely proud because ISOC have a massive tradition of raising a massive total.
“Each year they pull together as a huge machine driven by such a great cause – to raise money for orphans across the world – and the student body here is really responsive to that and they donate with open hearts.”
You can find out more about ISOC on their society page here as well as find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Mohamed (centre) even shaved his head as part of the society's fundraising activities.