We’re inviting as many students as possible to join us for DSU Question Time in the Campus Centre Atrium this Friday 10 November between 1pm and 2pm to discuss the issues surrounding higher education with an expert panel.
De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU) will be hosting our very own Question Time this Friday.
We’re inviting as many De Montfort University (DMU) students as possible to join us for DSU Question Time in the Campus Centre Atrium this Friday 10 November between 1pm and 2pm to discuss the issues surrounding higher education (HE) with an expert panel.
Lead by students, this will be your opportunity to speak and ask questions on topics you have asked us to speak on, including;
- how HE should be funded;
- the marketisation of education;
- and the impact Brexit could have on British universities.
The panel will be made up of three individuals who represent different stakeholders of HE;
- Professor Andy Collop, Deputy Vice Chancellor at DMU;
- Amatey Doku, Vice President Higher Education, National Union of Students (NUS);
- and Councillor Sarah Russell, Leicester City Council Assistant City Mayor for Children and Young People.
DSU Question Time is completely FREE to attend, and is open to all students at DMU. All you need to do is sign-up here.
The expert panel will be made up of three individuals who represent different stakeholders within the higher education sector.
Mike Mayes, VP Media and Communications at DSU, has played a key role in organising the event. He said: “In a nutshell, the HE sector is really up in the headlights right now.
“Everyone seems to be talking about HE funding, Brexit and British universities, the marketisation of education; there are loads of things that are in the news, and interestingly, students aren’t massively involved with that on an individual level.
“While we have backed the university’s #KeepUniversitiesForTheMany campaign, we had a strong desire to put on our own event that will be more student-led than some of the talks taking place elsewhere, so we will really be bringing students into this debate to have a frank and open discussion about a lot of the challenges that universities are facing now and will be in the next few years.”
Mike is particularly excited about welcoming the expert panel to DMU.
“Amatey will really be able to give the student viewpoint, Andy can give the university’s viewpoint, and Sarah will be able to give a broader feel of someone looking in from the outside,” he explained.
“We have spoken to students, who have fed us the topics that they want to talk about, and we really look forward to hearing from the panel on the different takes on that.
“If you are a student who is politically engaged, who cares about the state of the world, and especially if you keep a close eye on politics, come along and get involved in the debate because the student viewpoint is probably the most valuable right now.”
To get your name down for the FREE event, sign up here.

Mike has played a key role in organising DSU Question Time.