Next year’s sports club and society leaders have been chosen after more than 5,300 votes in DSU’s biggest Student Group Elections EVER.
Next year’s sports club and society leaders have been chosen after more than 5,300 votes in De Montfort Students’ Union (DSU)’s biggest Student Group Elections EVER.
You can find out who you’ve chosen for the committee of your student group next year here (if you’re part of a sports clubs), or here (if you’re a member of a society).
From chairs and secretaries, to Equestrian’s Riding for the Disabled Coordinator and Game of Thrones Society’s Master of Coin (treasurer, to you and us), there were a staggering 438 De Montfort University (DMU) students standing for 350 roles across our student groups.
The news comes after 5,455 DMU students voted in DSU’s biggest Elections EVER in March this year in choosing the team who will #LeadYourDSU in 2017/18.
Ahtesham Mahmood, VP Student Activities at DSU, said: “Firstly, to all those successfully elected, it’s not only a massive congratulations from me, but also the whole of the students’ union for taking on this fantastic opportunity.
“After being elected as your President for the next year this is an exciting time for me, too, and so I know exactly how you’re feeling!
“We’re at a crossroads of leading the students at DMU, and so I’ll be looking to work with student leaders like you next year in making sure the student experience is as good as we know it can be.”
Every committee member for 2017/18 is invited to Activities Training Conference on Wednesday 24 May, where we’ll cover everything from how to look after your group’s finances, to using social media and beyond – both with the Activities team and with experts from DSU, the university and elsewhere. Read more here.
More details and a full agenda will be sent out closer to the time, so keep your eyes peeled and make sure you’ve signed up here!

All new committee members are invited to our first EVER Activities Training Conference on Wednesday 24 May. Read more here.