Ahlulbayt Islamic Society

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Ahlulbayt Islamic Society

Leicester AhlulBayt Islamic society aims to propagate the light of Islam, the Holy Qur'an, and the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his holy progeny. We strive to create a platform at the university to endorse central teachings of Islam and the AhlulBayt (A.S) by encouraging thought-provoking dialogues, and spirituality by holding seminars, discussion circles and large-scale events with renowned speakers.

As members of ABSoc we follow the saying of Imam Ali which states that “A person is either your brother in faith or equal in humanity”.

Using this, we aim to develop unity amongst people of all or no religion and engage with the wider community to help each other to form open-minded discussions and exchange ideas freely and objectively around issues such as philosophy, spirituality, politics, humanitarian ethics, ecology and science.

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @leicesterabsoc. Or email us - leicesterabsoc1@gmail.com

Direct message us on any one of these platforms to be added to our WhatsApp groupchat.


Annual Membership: £3.00

Our annual membership fee supports the funding of our events and activities throughout the year. Membership can be bought at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2023/24 academic year.

Alijawad Parpia
Alina Velji Velji
Hussain Askari
Wellbeing Officer
Jameel Rahemtulla
There are no current events to display.
No Elections running

Future Events

AbSoc the year Ahead

Wed 17 Oct 2012
Please note only members of this group are able to use student group finance online system.