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The main aim of our proposed student society is to help to create a vast awareness within and outside our University community about the unknown pandemic of an increasing rate of antibiotic resistance that are being found in bacteria and other microorganisms. This has been attributed to many causes and one mainly being people's overuse and misuse of antibiotics which have allowed these bacteria and other microorganisms to gain more chances to build up a resistance to antibiotics.
According to a recent paper published in the reputable journal Lancet in 2022, it was reported that deaths as a result of infection due to antibiotic resistance to antibiotics contributed to almost 1.3 million of the world's deaths which lead both Malaria and AIDS associated deaths by a huge margin in 2019 alone. Also, a review conducted by the Government of the United Kingdom in 2016 estimated that by 2050, 10 million deaths per year would be associated with antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR is also projected to force up to 24 million people into extreme poverty, as poor health and higher healthcare impact incomes, especially for the most vulnerable. This is of a huge concern as this means that antibiotics are now becoming less effective and infections more dangerous with the decreasing potential of antibiotics to treat infectious diseases.
We believe that youths have a significant role to play in successfully combating Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The increasing misinformation, misuse, abuse, and underuse of Antimicrobials can be mitigated if young people take up the challenge to lead this action. To this end, we aim to hold awareness stalls to further inform and educate staff and students who are not aware of this global threat to human health and modern medicine. We also aim to organise public engagement and educational outreaches in schools and communities, particularly within Leicester, about antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. Other notable functions this society intends to carry out will also include creating and expanding a social media awareness on antimicrobial resistance in order to extend the influence of this awareness far beyond the limited boundaries of DMU as an institution.
We hope to affiliate the society to Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK), the world’s first and only charity focused on finding an effective solution to bacterial antibiotic resistance and support patients affected by antibiotic-resistant infections ( To support Antibiotic Research UK with financing their research projects and support for patients, we intend to hold fund raising events within and outside the University to further propel the research and create awareness into ending antimicrobial resistance. Events and activities to constantly involve the members of this society will include social events to keep the students engaged and to hold their interest in this society. This will also help us to expand our outreach of students and encourage others to become members of this society and even to Antibiotic Research UK. In regard to consistent annual activities, we aim to organise activities and events during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) which runs from the 18th?of November to the 24th?of November (or of similar dates) of every year.
Annual Membership: £3.00
Our membership is £3.00. To become a member you still need to add the membership to your basket and checkout as if you were paying for it, this will then add you to our official members list. You can register your membership at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2024/25 academic year.