Games Development

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Games Development

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Ever Wonder How Games Are Made?

Founded in 2015, DMU GDS is the best place for anyone to improve their skills and learn about Games Development.
Work in teams to create games during Game Jams, hear about the experiences of industry guests at Talks, and join us on Trips and Social Events.

What can you Expect?

  • Enjoy discounted ticket prices to national events such as EGX Rezzed
  • Take part in in-house Game Jams as well as Global Game Jam
  • Enhance your knowledge of Game Dev in Workshops
  • Join us at our Socials at Bean Gaming and Gateway
  • Enjoy Talks and broaden your Networking with industry guests 


Annual Membership: £5.00

Our annual membership fee supports the funding of our events and activities throughout the year. Membership can be bought at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2023/24 academic year. 

Amiko Howell
Fennel Hillyer
Teodora Minetos
Wellbeing Officer
Leah Cooke
There are no current events to display.
No Elections running
Please note only members of this group are able to use student group finance online system.