Engineering Society

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Engineering Society



As a society, we aim to provide an inclusive environment that allows all students of the university, who are interested in engineering, to expand their network. Like-minded people will be able to more easily share ideas, learn from each other, and collaborate on projects— developing a community that creates numerous opportunities. Our society helps broaden a student's social and academic development, and with this, members can get help and advice from their peers. In our society, we would discuss topics and create projects that would be in the best interests of everyone involved.



  • Expand Your Network: Joining our society opens doors to a diverse network of students and industry professionals. Build valuable connections that can lead to lasting friendships, mentorships, and future career prospects.

  • Skill Development: Our society offers a wide range of workshops, hands-on projects, and challenging competitions. These experiences are designed to enhance your practical engineering skills, making you more competitive in the job market.

  • Career Advancement: Gain access to a wealth of career resources, job fairs, and industry insights. Explore various career paths, placements, and work experiences, and stay updated on the latest industry trends.

  • Personal Growth: Engaging with our society fosters personal growth by improving your leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Become a part of a supportive community that shares your passion for engineering.

  • Industry Insights: Don't miss out on the latest developments in engineering. Attend our guest speaker events and industry gatherings to stay informed about cutting-edge technologies and research.


The society is affiliated with UKSEDS (UK Students for the Development and Exploration of Space). UKSEDS is a unique organisation run entirely by students and young professional volunteers, and part of an international SEDS movement that includes sister organisations in the USA, Canada, India, and many other countries. UKSEDS is the United Kingdom’s national student space society that, for over 30 years, have been supporting students and young professionals across the country by running events, providing resources, and teaching them new skills. Their most famous event is the National Student Space Conference (NSSC), which they first held in 1989. This year they had people from space agencies such as NASA and JAXA give talks at their conference, which was sponsored by renowned companies like Airbus and Skyrora. They also hold competitions that run-in collaboration with leading companies and give students valuable technical and transferable skills.

You can find out more on their website:


Throughout the academic year, our committee plans a diverse array of events and activities. We also collaborate with other groups, including:

  • DMU Racing (Formula Student)

  • DMU Flyers

  • DMU Merlin (UAS Challenge)

  • Unibots UK

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events and activities! Please note that we are collaborating with other engineering groups, they are not part of our society.


Becoming a member of the DMU Engineering Society is easy:

  1. Click 'Add to Basket.'

  2. Go to 'Basket'

  3. Proceed to checkout.

  4. Click 'Confirm' to complete your membership.

Join our WhatsApp General Group Chat and follow us on Instagram for the latest updates. We also have an exclusive Discord server for our members.

Check our society hub in Gradcracker here:


Our annual membership fee supports the funding of our events and activities throughout the year. Membership can be bought at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2023/24 academic year.


We value your input! If you have project ideas or suggestions, reach out to our committee members. We hold regular meetings where everyone can share their thoughts and ideas to plan for exciting projects. Stay tuned for announcements on our platforms. We'll have our socials Thursday/Wednesday at Soar Point from 19:00 onwards and Society Meetings every Thursday from 16:00 to 17:00 at HU1.82.

Dinu Abeysekera
Publicity and Social Officer
Scott Norman
Yelena Elysia Estepa
Mehmet Durucu
Wellbeing Officer
Hasibe Genã§
There are no current events to display.
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