Fashion Society

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Fashion Society

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Imagine a community bursting with energy, where fashion enthusiasts from all backgrounds come together to celebrate their love for style, design, and everything fashion related. 

1. Sustainability Matters: We believe in fashion that doesn't harm the planet. Join us in discovering eco-friendly trends, sustainable styling, and ways to make your wardrobe planet friendly.

2. Unleash Your Creativity: Have a knack for design, styling, or photography? Our society offers a canvas for you to display your creativity. 

3. Learning Beyond the Classroom: Beyond the books, our Fashion Society offers hands-on experiences that enrich your understanding of the industry. Attend workshops hosted by industry professionals, engage in panel discussions, and learn the ropes of what it takes to succeed in the fashion world.

4. Connections That Count: Connect with fellow fashion enthusiasts, guest speakers, mentors, and potential collaborators. Build a network that extends beyond the university and into the broader fashion community.

5. Events and Fun: From themed events and fashion challenges to interactive activities and contests, we are all about having a blast while celebrating our shared love for fashion.

So, if you are ready to embark on a journey that merges your passion for fashion with valuable experiences, friendships, and an opportunity to make your mark, then the Fashion Society is your perfect fit. Join us in shaping the fashion landscape on campus and beyond. Embrace your individuality, get ready to shine, and be part of something extraordinary. We cannot wait to meet you and see your unique style light up our Fashion Society! 


Annual Membership: £5

Our annual membership fee supports the funding of our events and activities throughout the year. The money goes into funding the events we host throughout the year. 

Membership can be bought at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2023/24 academic year. We offer a one time trial pass to our events before asking you to buy your membership, which will enable you access to members only events and other exclusives.  

Nyah Wells-Francis
Stephanie Dsouza
Grace Lewis
Wellbeing Officer
Emily Holden
There are no current events to display.
No Elections running
Please note only members of this group are able to use student group finance online system.