Forensic Science Society

There are currently no memberships available to purchase. You can follow this group and show your interest using the checkbox below.

Forensic Science Society

Hello and welcome to your Forensic Science Society!

Anyone is welcome to join our society, whether you study forensic science or not. As long as you share an interest in forensics this society is for you. 

Our Main Goals:

  • Supporting Forensic students throughout the academic year.
  • To host enjoyable and safe social events for our memebers.
  • Share our passion and knowledge about forensics science.

More Infomation:

  • Our socials and events are organised weekly. So the best way to keep up to date with us will be through our instagram page.
  • We hold weekly drop-in self-directed learning sessions. Here you can revise, do assignments, ask for peer review/proof reading and get the support you need.
  • As well as academics events we also host events where we take a step back from studying to relax and have fun.
  • Some other types of social and events we want to do includes; quizzes, guest speakers and lecture talks etc.
  • As this is a new committee, we are always looking for new ideas for events and social meets. We want to hear your ideas and voices, send your ideas to us by instagram or email!

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us :) 

Annual Membership: £3.50

Our annual membership fee supports the funding of our events and activities throughout the year. Membership can be bought at any point in the year, and all memberships will expire at the end of the 2023/24 academic year. 

Sameer Quazi
Vanessa Delgado Lopes
Llian Edwards
Wellbeing Officer
Melek Andrews
There are no current events to display.
No Elections running
  • Members Tickets - Lecture Talk! Alex Russell£0.00
  • Non-Members Tickets - Lecture Talk! Alex Russell£1.00
  • Movie Night 22/11/2023 Members£2.00
  • Movie Night 22/11/2023 Non-Members£3.00
  • CSI:DMU 2024 Thu 25 Apr 2024 - Members£3.50
  • CSI:DMU 2024 Thu 25 Apr 2024 - General£5.00
Please note only members of this group are able to use student group finance online system.