General Criteria
Is a benefit which provides a payment to claimants who can prove they are unemployed/working sufficiently few hours (less than 16 hours) and are actively looking for full time employment. To claim the benefit you must:
• Have savings of less than £16,000
• Be available for work (this must usually be for a 40 hours a week but in some circumstances this can be reduced)
• Be actively seeking work (this means carrying out a minimum number of job seeking activities that are agreed at the time of you claiming the benefit)
Full time students and JSA
Full time students cannot normally claim JSA, as a full time student you are not deemed to be available for work. There are a few exceptions to this:
• you're a lone parent
• you have a partner who is also a full-time student, and one or both of you is responsible for a child or young person
You may be able to claim JSA during the summer vacation providing you meet the general criteria listed above.
If you have a partner who is not a full time student they may be able to claim for you both but your income received from your funding body will be taken into account and can have an impact on the amount you are able to claim. If you are entitled to student funding the amount you are entitled to is taken into account you do not have to be in receipt of it.
Part time students and JSA
There is no general exclusion for part time students and as a result, providing the general criteria are met, you can make a claim for JSA. You may be able to claim JSA for a short period if you have made sufficient national insurance contributions or alternatively the DWP will conduct and income assessment, you will need to have a sufficiently low income for the benefit to be paid.
As a part time student you will be expected to fit your course around your job seeking activity and not the other way round. You would risk having your benefit sanctioned or stopped if you refuse to attend an interview or accept a valid job offer because of your course, you would be expected to rearrange you course.