Course Reps

Amplifying your programmes’ collective voice where it matters

A Course Rep is a student leader who has the power to create change and improve the academic experience of your programme at university!

They take action to facilitate your student voice on what may affect your studies on your course to ensure your student journey is an excellent one.

They campaign, lobby, enhance and make change. They are your student voice!

Speak to them and feedback about your course experience and share how you believe it could be enhanced or express what is working well!

Find my Rep

How to become a Course Rep

You can become a course rep by nominating yourself in a Course Rep Election and sharing with your cohort why they should vote for you!

Course Rep elections take place at the start of every Academic Year.


When nominations are open - Log in with your P number, nominate yourself and create a manifesto. (A blurb of why you want to be a course rep, what you will do as a rep and why students should vote for you!)


When voting opens campaign and share with your cohort why they should vote for you to represent them and their student voice!

At the end of the academic year if you have enjoyed being a course rep you will get the opportunity to opt in and automatically roll over to the next year!

If you are part way through the academic year and want to be a Course Rep, check to see if your Course has a Rep already, if it doesn’t speak to your programme leader for support to host a Plan B election internally on your course!

If you have any questions, please contact

Who is my Course Rep?

Find out using our Rep Finder.

Find my Rep

What are the benefits of speaking to my Course Rep?

Your Course Rep can take your positive/negative comments back to your programme and make change.

A Course Rep can action your concerns or issues and ensure there is a platform for your voice to be heard.

They can signpost you in the right direction if unsure!

My Course Rep is not doing enough, what can I do?

Seek guidance and raise your concerns with the Student Voice Team –

Inform your Programme Leader and let them know why so you student voice is not missed!

Get to know the removal of a Course Rep procedure (Vote of no confidence).

Please note: Course representatives can only be removed from post by;

  • A breach of DSU’s Code of Conduct, policies and values as an organisation, thereby meaning action will be taken in accordance to the Discipline Bye-Law (12), or;
  • From a Vote of No Confidence from the students of that particular course if the electorate of the Course Representative no longer views the student effective and/or fulfilling the duties of their role. In such case they can call for a Vote of No Confidence. (This would need to be submitted to Student Council!)