You can become a course rep by nominating yourself in a Course Rep Election and sharing with your cohort why they should vote for you!
Course Rep elections take place at the start of every Academic Year.
When nominations are open - Log in with your P number, nominate yourself and create a manifesto. (A blurb of why you want to be a course rep, what you will do as a rep and why students should vote for you!)
When voting opens campaign and share with your cohort why they should vote for you to represent them and their student voice!
At the end of the academic year if you have enjoyed being a course rep you will get the opportunity to opt in and automatically roll over to the next year!
If you are part way through the academic year and want to be a Course Rep, check to see if your Course has a Rep already, if it doesn’t speak to your programme leader for support to host a Plan B election internally on your course!
If you have any questions, please contact