The idea is that the Union will work with the University to:
1. Secure proper recognition for Doctoral Researchers as associate staff
including each PhD student being given a name.name@dmu.ac.uk email
address like other Universities!
2. Get us our own online profiles, alongside staff pages with details about our
research interests, background and work
3.Open up the PgCert in Learning and Teaching so like at other institutions, PHDs/PGRs can train to lecture and gain a qualification that would also give us a full HEA fellowship and prepare us to take up teaching employment when we leave our studies.
The role Doctoral Researchers/PhDs is an important part of University life.
PhDs will increase with the availability of Student Loans from 2018
The Research Excellence Framework results in funding to improve the University
PhDs are Early Career Researchers, representing the University externally. Including
at Conferences and in meeting leaders in academic fields and communities. As well
as undertaking teaching and developing ideas/research that ensures DMU attracts
the best students and lecturers.
PhD/Doctoral Research students should be recognised fully in the role they
carry out as associate staff as at other Institutions.
That this would improve the Student experience for both PhDs and those on taught
programmes. For example, ensuring PhD lectures are inclusive.
Students would also be able to get access to Doctoral Students if the University were
to provide a proper professional external email address.
Currently the work, research, and interests of PhDs are not recognised on the
University website as at other HEIs. This is important because raising awareness of a PhDs work can increase their academic and employment opportunities.
We need to ensure PhDs are also getting quality training and have access to staff only resources that are critical for researchers, as well as to ensure when guest or other lecturing is carried out - that PhDs offer excellence.
Training and other opportunities offered to staff should also be opened up to PhDs if appropriate.