What is Scrutiny Panel?
A student led meeting that allows students to constructively challenge their Student Leaders with aims to address actions and achieve priorities.
Byelaws: ‘Scrutiny Panel is a Sub Committee of Student Council where the Executive and Liberation Officers are scrutinised on their work and progress towards their manifesto aims’
How do you become a member of Scrutiny Panel?
6 Students will be elected at the first Student Council of the academic year.
Scrutiny Panel will consist of 6 Student Council members, these will be made up of at least one of each of the following roles;
- Course Representative
- Sports Club Committee Member
- Society Committee Member
If you do not hold one of these positions, you can still be elected on the scrutiny panel if you become a member of the Student Council.
Anyone who is interested must present to council why they would be a suitable member for scrutiny panel at the first Student Council meeting.
Scrutiny Panel will be decided by show of hands voting ‘for’, ‘against’ or ‘abstain’.
Each Council Member present is entitled to one vote per panel position.
A simple majority will determine the outcome of each vote.
I want to scrutinise my officers. How do i do this?
Even if you are not a member of the scrunity panel we want to ensure all student voice is heard on this.
If you want something to be raised at scrutiny panel, please complete the form below.
Scrutiny Panel Form